5 Tips on how to have an Epic Morning Routine by Dan Ram

Ashish Bhatia
2 min readNov 1, 2020

It’s the one thing I have in common with the most successful people in the world. And now you can too!

It’s no secret that change makers, successful entrepreneurs, top influencers , CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, and record-breaking athletes are all religious about their morning routines. Over the years, I’ve experimented with various versions of the morning routines. Whether you have 20mins or 90minutes, consider including some of the 5 pillars of a great morning routine.

Spiritual Routines: Read your bible, pray, meditate, or anything else that helps you to connect with your greater purpose, mission, vision, and values. Engage in practices that remind you that your story is connected to a much bigger story of what’s happening around the world.

Physical Routines: There’s a lot of science that says even a quick 10 minute workout, cycle, run, or a full 90 minute workout in the gym will reconfigure the inside of you so that you can give that A-game action and FOCUS that you are looking for the rest of the day.

Relational Routines: Switch off social media, switch off the news, switch off paying attention to everyone else and switch ON paying attention to the people that make you feel like you belong, that make you feel like you are loved, that make you feel good about yourself. Focus on who relation-ally,
you are connected with.

Emotional Routines: Spend a little bit of time reading, centering yourself, and reflecting. It is really important that you cater to what’s on the inside, before you can focus on what’s on the outside.

Creational Routines: Whether it’s a little bit of a dance in your room by yourself, writing, or in my case, playing the piano; do something that uses the more creative part of your brain

These are Dan Ram’s 5 tips on how to have an epic morning routine. What are
yours? Comment below

Dan Ram ignites the stage as an in-person event and virtual event EMCEE & Speaker at over 100 events a year. Hosting change makers like President Barack Obama, billionaire founders like Sir Richard Branson and Reid Hoffman, record breaking athletes like F1 champion Nico Rosberg, Grammy-winning artists and celebrities. He works on 4 continents from college campuses to parliaments to in-house corporate innovation days for Fortune 500 companies to the biggest tech conferences in the world. A recognized 5x TedX speaker and conference host, he created the “Speaking Success” online course — a comprehensive, action-oriented, 6 part video series for those keen to improve their stage presence, body language and practice techniques. His passion is to inspire people with his motto ‘Start Now Start Simple’ in building a future we all want to live in.

